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my lifespan development client study

Entering older age may seem as losing the best of what you had in life... But a counselling approach from creative, pluralistic and positive psychology stance can make a difference!


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My publications and research


Sarantakis, N. P. (2021). Where do the therapists tears come from? Available at:

Sarantakis, N. P. (2020). Moving from Busyness to Retirement and Older Age: Can Pluralistic Counselling Help? Available at:

Sarantakis, N. P. (2020).  Me, myself and I: Nicholas Sarantakis draws at the ‘crossroads on the unconscious’. Available at:

Sarantakis, N. P. (2018). Counselling & CBT via skype: Certainly convenient, but does it work? Available at:


Lead researcher of the ‘Existential group psychotherapy project on life crisis and trauma’ at Teesside University (2018).

Sarantakis, N. P. (2019). A case study of psychotherapy with a client who enters older age: A lifespan development and pluralistic approach. APA Journal: Practice Innovations, available at:

(a manuscript of it also attached above)

Sarantakis, N. P. (2017) Reflections on an anti-discriminatory practice in current psychotherapy. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 47(2), 135-140.  Available at:

Sarantakis, N. P. (2016) Family or group therapy for cancer patients? An exploration of different ways of working and the inherent challenges therein. Contemporary Psychotherapy, 8 (1). Available at:

Sarantakis, N. P. (2016). Presentation of paper: ‘Existential psychotherapy with cancer patients and spirituality’ at the Annual Conference of the Counselling Psychology Division of BPS (8-9 July 2016, Brighton, U.K.).

Sarantakis, N. P. (2014) The Influence of our native language on cognitive representations of colour, spatial relations and time. Journal of European Psychology Students , 5 (3). pp. 74-77. Available at:


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